What is C. Diff Recurrence?

C. unequal (Clostridioides difficile) is a bacterium that causes diarrhea and inflammation of the colon (colitis). C. diff infections are most common in individuals over the historic period of 65 who have been recently hospitalized or prescribed antibiotics. Recurrence is the greatest barrier to the treatment of C. diff infections—individuals who recover from C. unequal infection once are much more than probable to exist infected again. Recurrences are near likely a week or two later successful handling, merely patients can feel recurrence ii months or more later completing treatment.

Why do C. Diff Infections Recur?

C. unequal infection recurrence is most likely in individuals who are...

  • exposed to hospitals and long term intendance facilities, especially repeatedly or for prolonged periods of time. These environments are often sites of leaner proliferation.
  • over the historic period of 65. The exact reason for more cases of C. unequal in individuals over the age of 65 is unknown, but information technology is possible a weakened immune organization may inhibit the torso's power to fight a C. diff infection.
  • starting, finishing, or currently taking a class of antibiotics not related to  C. diff handling. Antibiotics can disturb the healthy balance in the gut, especially acrid limerick in the colon which promotes C. diff growth.
  • completing a course of antibiotics related to C. unequal handling. For those who have had C. diff in the past, antibiotics, like vancomycin, are prescribed to target toxin-producing C. diff leaner.  However, in that location may exist other dormant forms of the bacteria that remain in the gut. In one case a form of antibiotics is complete, the dormant C. unequal spores may become active, causing recurrence. For example, C. diff recurrence later on a course of vancomycin is common. Antibiotics, similar investigational drug ridinilazole, meant to target C. diff leaner specifically may potentially reduce gamble of repeat infection—destroying C. diff bacteria without disturbing healthy gut remainder.
  • taking medication to reduce tum acid. Lowered acidity in the gut may increase the run a risk of a C. diff infection.
  • suffering from weakened immune system and/or astringent underlying affliction

Antibiotics and Gamble of C. Diff Recurrence

Almost antibiotics carry a chance for C. diff infections, withal, some antibiotics carry a higher risk due to their spectrum of coverage. The below table provides select antibiotics and their associated risk level for C. diff recurrence.

Select Antibiotics and Run a risk of C. Diff Recurrence
Drug Name/Class Approved Uses
Drug Examples
C. diff Risk Level


Administered orally or past injection.

Serious infections in the lungs, pare and soft tissue, blood, intra-belly and female genitals, specifically caused past susceptible anaerobic bacteria. Cleocin ® High


Administered orally or past injection.

Skin infections
Os and joint infections
Intra-abdominal infections
Infectious diarrhea such as C. diff
Typhoid fever
Anthrax inhalation
Bacterial prostatitis
Lung infections
Urinary tract infections (UTI)

Sinus infection
Kidney infection

Inflammation acquired by Chlamydia

Bladder infection

Cipro ® (ciprofloxacin) Levaquin ® (levofloxacin)

Floxin ® (ofloxacin)

Cephalosporins (two nd and 3 rd generation) Administered orally or by injection.

Lung infections
Skin infections
Urinary tract infections (UTI)

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
Claret infections (sepsis)
Os and joint infections
Intra-abdominal infections

Meningitis (inflammation of the brain)

Disinfecting surgical sites

Rocephin ® (ceftriaxone)

Claforan ® (cefotaxime)



Administered orally or past injection.

Claret infections (sepsis, bacteremia)
Empyema (pus filling around the lungs)


Pericarditis (inflammation of the tissue surrounding the middle)

Endocarditis (heart valve inflammation)

Meningitis (inflammation of the brain)

Anthrax inhalation
Fusospirochetosis (astringent infections of the oropharynx, lower respiratory tract, and genital area)
Haverhill fever

Rat bite fever

Disseminated gonococcal infections


Ear infections

Nose infections

Throat infections

Skin infections

Urinary tract infections (UTI)

Lung infections


penicillin K






Administered orally most commonly.

Sinus infections



Skin infections

Inflammation caused by Chlamydia

Genital ulcer disease


Mycobacterial infections

Zithromax ® (azithromycin)

Klacid ® (clarithromycin)



Administered orally typically.

C. unequal-associated diarrhea

Inflammation of the small-scale intestine and colon

Vancocin ®


Administered orally or by injection.

C. diff


Amoebic dysentery

Intra-abdominal infections

Pare infections

Gynecologic infections

Blood infections (sepsis)

Bone and articulation infections

Central nervous system infections (such as meningitis)

Endocarditis (heart valve inflammation)

Flagyl ®

Signs a C. Unequal Infection is Coming Back

Symptoms of a repeat C. unequal infection will mirror the symptoms of previous infections.

Common symptoms:

  • Watery diarrhea (at least 3 loose stools in 24 hours)
  • Fever
  • Abdominal pain/tenderness
  • Loss of appetite

How Common are Repeat C.Diff Infections?

The rate of repeat infection varies from 5% to l% among patients with a resolved get-go infection—the recurrence charge per unit varies according to risk factors similar age, exposure to hospital environments, and an underlying affliction like kidney failure. However, the typical recurrence rate among patients is approximately 20%.

Among patients who have already experienced a C. diff infection twice, the charge per unit of reinfection is approximately 45% to 65%.

How to Reduce the Risk of C.Unequal Recurrence

  • Take extra precautions to disinfect and minimize skin-to-peel contact. Contact precautions should extend beyond the catamenia when diarrhea persists; C. diff spores can remain on the peel, fallow, for seven or more than days after treatment of the diarrhea.
  • Mitt washing and patient isolation are often overlooked, only very important. Hand sanitizer is non enough—mitt washing is more constructive! Environmental disinfection using a product similar bleach is also key.
  • Be aware that antibiotics tin can negatively impact the gut—wide spectrum antibiotics tin can kill healthy bacteria increasing susceptibility to a echo C. unequal infection.
  • Consult with your doctor nearly taking antacids/acid reducers—both prescribed and over-the-counter. Examples include:
  • Over-the-Counter
    • Tums®
    • Pepto-Bismol®
    • Alka-seltzer®
  • Prescription
    • Pepcid®
    • Zantac®
    • Prilosec OTC®
  • Be aware of possible risk of reinfection in certain health facilities. For example, over 60% of cases of healthcare related C. diff infection cases may have began in long term care facilities.
  • Identify relapse equally before long as possible — early on detection of a repeat C. diff infection lessens the take a chance of spreading the bacteria.

Recurrent C. Unequal Treatment Options

While there is no definitive treatment for repeat C. diff infections, vancomycin, fidaxomicin, and fecal microbiota transplants (FMT) are believed to be the best options at the moment.

For more information virtually C. unequal treatment options click here.

New recurrent C. diff treatments beingness researched

Pinnacle Pharmaceuticals is evaluating an investigational drug called Ridinilazole to decide its prophylactic and efficacy in treating Clostridioides difficile (C. unequal) and to help reduce the risk of C. unequal coming back. Ridinilazole is designed specifically to target the C. unequal bacteria, which could potentially mean less damage to the gut and a reduced hazard of another infection.

If y'all're ready to help researchers put a terminate to repeat C. diff infections, click here to learn more virtually the clinical study.

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